Sunday, May 11, 2014

'Star Wars' prosthetic arm gains FDA approval

DARPA's Revolutionizing Prosthetics program, which aimed to gain U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval for a "prosthetic upper limb with near-natural control mechanisms," has been successful. DARPA says the FDA approved the DEKA Arm System shown here in less than eight years after the start of the program.

The agency says the aim of the program is to offer more choices for amputees. The split-hook prosthetic commonly used by amputees was invented in 1912. (Via DARPA, Flickr / Divine Harvester)

Using specialized sensors attached to the upper arm or the feet, the device can translate what the user aims to do — turning electrical signals in the muscles into movement. (Via  ​DARPA)

DARPA says the battery-powered arm is comparable to a natural arm in weight and size. The system is delicate enough to handle grapes and even eggs, as we showed you before.

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